Are you protecting the youth in your care?
1 in 4
up to 25% of children are sexually abused each year
child victims of abuse and neglect each year
died from abuse and neglect
of children know their abuser
Who does a child abuser look like?
If you’re picturing a dubious-looking person of a specific gender or age, you’re already off-track. While it’s true that the most common offender type is a caucasian male in his mid-thirties, abuse infiltrates every gender and socioeconomic status.
An abuser could be anyone & everyone.


Due to gaps and inaccuracies in database information and the high rate of undetected predators, background checks are a good start, but—alone—they are not sufficient to fully protect the vulnerable population you serve or your organization’s reputation. The powerful combination of background checks and child abuse awareness programs deters sex offenders from infiltrating your organization. See more below.

Get to Know Us
Safeguard from Abuse
In a world where trust and faith play pivotal roles, organizations working closely with children and youth must prioritize the safety and well-being of their beneficiaries. As responsibilities evolve in tandem with societal changes, it becomes crucial for all organizations, not just non-profits, to understand the significance of safeguarding those they serve. While background checks on staff and volunteers are essential, an equally vital investment is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Training. Let's delve into why Safeguard from Abuse training is indispensable, even when background checks are already in place.
Comprehensive Protection
Background checks are invaluable for screening potential employees and volunteers, focusing primarily on past criminal records. However, they might not always reveal the full picture. Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Training surpasses the scope of criminal history checks. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the signs of abuse, grooming behaviors, and appropriate responses to suspicions. This training equips organizational staff and volunteers to identify potential threats and take proactive measures to prevent child abuse within their programs and services.
Empowerment Through Education
Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Training empowers organizational staff and volunteers with knowledge, going beyond what background checks can provide. It equips them with tools to recognize subtle signs of abuse that may not be evident in criminal history checks alone. Through education, individuals become more aware of the dynamics of child abuse and the importance of creating a safe environment for children and other vulnerable populations. This knowledge empowers them to take action, thereby protecting beneficiaries from potential harm.
Strengthening the Safety Net
Incorporating Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Training into organizational practices strengthens the safety net surrounding the most vulnerable beneficiaries. It establishes a culture of vigilance and accountability, where everyone is responsible for the safety of those they serve. By fostering an environment where abuse is less likely to occur and more likely to be reported, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of harm to their beneficiaries.
Legal and Moral Obligation
Beyond the moral obligation to protect vulnerable individuals, organizations have legal responsibilities as well. Laws governing child protection and the welfare of vulnerable populations vary by jurisdiction. Still, many require organizations working with such populations to provide abuse prevention training for their staff and volunteers. By fulfilling these legal obligations, organizations not only protect themselves from potential liability but also demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of those they serve.
Preserving Trust and Reputation
When an organization takes proactive steps to prevent abuse and protect its beneficiaries, it sends a powerful message to its supporters, volunteers, and the community. It shows that the organization is dedicated to safeguarding the physical and emotional well-being of the people it serves. This commitment can help build and maintain trust within the community and enhance the organization's reputation as a responsible and ethical entity.
While background checks are an essential component of child protection within organizations working closely with children and youth, they are not sufficient on their own. Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Training is a crucial supplement that equips staff and volunteers with the knowledge and skills needed to create a safe environment for beneficiaries. By investing in such training, organizations not only fulfill their legal obligations but also demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of those they serve. Ultimately, protecting vulnerable populations from abuse is a responsibility that every organization should embrace wholeheartedly, ensuring that their mission remains centered on making a positive and safe impact on the lives of children and youth.