Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention for Schools and Learning Centers
Who is Looking Out for Child Abuse in Schools?
Teachers and educational staff are with our children during the bulk of the child's day. They get to know our kids, learning their behaviors, their habits, their giggles, and their pains. So it's safe to say that those adults who are with kids that much time could be the first to spot abuse in a child.
But can they? And what if they are the ones doing the abuse?
Educators Report the Need for Greater Education about Child Abuse in Schools
Educators submit more than one-half (56.5 percent) of the cases referred to and assessed or investigated by Child Protective Services (CPS). Yet many are not entirely clear about the indicators of child abuse and neglect, or how to report suspected mistreatment.
One study surveyed 2,793 schools to assess staff readiness to report child abuse. Only 51 percent of those completing the questionnaire had received training on reporting child maltreatment, so there is still much work to be done to alert educators to their important role in identifying and reporting abuse and neglect.
Ensure your educators who serve on the frontlines of child abuse prevention and detection are equipped. Safeguard from Abuse Awareness Video Training is the most current and engaging method of training your entire staff to effectively serve in this vital role.
Why It’s Crucial to Train Educators About Child Abuse
No one spends more time with children than educators in schools and learning centers, making them quite literally, the first line of defense for many children. They serve on the frontlines of child abuse prevention and detection.
With schools in lock-down and stressed families isolating during the pandemic, child abuse rose in 2020, yet reports of abuse declined, highlighting the critical role that educators play. Schools are an important link in a child's life, catapulting him or her into a happy and fulfilled existence or the worst nightmare ever imagined.
Protect every child’s education and personal safety in the most convenient and effective way, with The Safeguard From Abuse Awareness Training.
Legal Responsibilities of Educators
Because of their unparalleled access to children, educators have a professional and legally mandated responsibility for reporting suspected maltreatment. That includes recognizing all types of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and neglect, engaging sensitively and effectively with the child, and properly reporting the offense.
Do you know all of your state’s laws and mandates regarding child abuse in schools and learning centers? Does your entire staff have this knowledge?
The Danger of Educator Access to Children
If educators have the greatest access and opportunity to protect children, the downside is that they also have the greatest access and opportunity to harm them.
Most children look up to and trust their teachers, making them an easy and effortless target for abuse. Unfortunately and sadly, predators can be teachers.
Arm your staff with the knowledge of how a child sexual predator lures and grooms kids so that well-meaning teachers and educational staff can spot abusers and prevent or stop the abuse.
Advocating for Children
Children cannot learn effectively if their attention or energy is sapped by the conflicts inherent in abuse. School personnel have a unique opportunity to advocate for children, as well as provide programs and services that can help children and strengthen families.
A positive relationship with a supporting adult may enhance the resilience of children who have been abused, are at-risk for being abused, or live in a home where the family experiences other problems such as substance abuse.
Educate your educators on how to become that advocate with a simple, engaging, powerful and effective video training.
In about an hour, Safeguarding From Abuse Aware Training teaches your staff:
Types of abuse and behaviors that qualify as abuse
Profiles of abusers and potential warning signs
The types of roles predators seek out
Policies and guidelines to put in place
Recognizing abusive or pre-abuse behaviors, such as “grooming”
Recognizing symptoms of abuse in children
Actions to take if abuse is suspected
How to help a child feel safe about telling the truth
Legal responsibilities of every organization
Specific roles legally required to report suspected abuse